Spring Cleaning: Mind Body + Soul

S P R I N G  C L E A N I N G: M I N D  B O D Y  S O U L

"No matter how chaotic it is, wildflowers will still spring up in the middle of nowhere." - Sheryl Crow

Spring is here and its time to let go of anything and everything that has piled up over the dark, winter months. For most this usually starts with our homes. Cleaning out closets, bedrooms, cabinets, garages; etc. 

When was the last time you really sat down and cleaned out & got rid of all the "inside junk" within your mind, body, and soul ? 

AB Lincoln once said, "Most folks are about as happy as they want to be." 

How true does this feel for you? No matter where life has you at this point in time we do actually have a choice in our happiness. Will every day be a great day, absolutely not. But we do have the power to change the habits of our minds. 

Are you a glass half empty or half full kind of person? 
Did you know, that we as humans have anywhere from 12,000-60,000 thoughts per day. According to some research, as many as 98 percent of our thoughts are exactly the same day to day. 

Thinking day to day over the years do you focus more on the positives or negatives in your life? How do you cope with the bad days? Do you truly appreciate the blessings in your life and try to see the good in things? And lastly, how do you feel & speak to yourself when no one is around? 

Life and this world will continue to happen regardless of how much we try and force things to be. The things we can control are our thoughts and actions. The mind is very powerful and we have to learn to control it and not allow it to control us and how we feel; especially when life becomes unbearable, chaotic, and stressful. 

My goal for you moving forward is to become more aware of your thoughts and how they affect your life. Purge your mind of past grudges, bitterness, and unresolved issues, and lastly get rid of all negative self talk- which is a daily practice in itself. 
Try & become more loving towards yourself. 

The more love you show to yourself, the more love you will share with others.


How do you feel today? Internally & externally? 
How do you feel when you look in the mirror? 
Do you feel healthy and strong or run down and anxious?
Do you fuel your body with whole nutritious foods or do you eat fast foods for most of your meals?
Are you avoiding anything personally that you don't want to work on because it may be painful or bring up uncomfortable feelings?

"The mind and body are not seperate. What affects one, affects the other."

My goal for this year professionally is to help others know their worth. Life will knock us on our ass and if we don't work through the tough stuff all the negative energy will affect our bodies over time. Pushing things to the side, never confronting our own feelings, working ourselves to death, always taking care of others and not ourselves; our bodies will become inflamed, sick, and exhausted. It will shut down. 
Its just a matter of when, not "if".

Take care of yourself. Take time off when you need it. Let go of judgement of yourself and of others. Be kind to yourself- know that you are doing the best you can when times get tough. Support yourself when you do not feel supported. A lot of the times we set blame on others when in reality it is our own job to feel supported, happy, and healthy. Take back control of your life & organize your time with things that truly matter. 


"You don't have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body."

To truly flourish is to release all the tension that holds you back from letting LOVE pour though you. Living this life is to truly love in all forms & ways. 
Loving ourselves, others, and everything in between. It is our responsibility to live our best life. 

For me the most important things that I can CONTROL & NEED in my life is my faith, daily inspiration and stillness. 
My faith is what keeps me grounded and secure. Without faith I have nothing. 
Inspiration- I seek it daily. My job is to inspire and motivate others. If I am not seeking inspiration in life and for myself... how in the world can I inspire others? It won't feel or come off authentic and real thats for sure. And lastly, stillness in all forms is what balances me. I am a lover of movement. My job demands it. By starting a stillness practice it has saved my life. I am able to connect and feel what my body is telling me. 
I've learned to know when I'm overly worked and when I need rest. 

I know what it feels like when the body is screaming asking it slow down and ignoring it only makes things worse. The fatigue, the stress, and inflammation, the aches & pain can really do a tole to the body and WILL cause sickness. 

We come into this world and leave this world with one body. What you do todays matters. How you treat yourself today matters. Learn to love, listen, and feel. 
All we can do is our best. 

ASK YOURSELF... WHAT CAN YOU DO TODAY TO CLEAN UP AND GET RID OF to become a better version of yourself?

Dust off any of yesterdays disappointments and face today with what truly matters. 
And what matters... is YOU! 
Spring cleaning takes time and it might get a little uncomfortable and messy. But always remember that moving forward will lead you to some of your brightest and fulfilled days. 

Have a wonderful day.


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