Fitness 101

Here are some of my personal tips for success. 
{ Fitness 101 } 

START SMALL: The no pain, no gain is OLD MENTALITY. Punishing yourself with excessive workouts, workouts that are not modified or programmed for true beginners, and waking up feeling like you've been hit by a truck is not the way to start. Yes- a new fitness program will cause some sore muscles especially if your body hasn't seen movement of much in years +, but nothing should ever make you feel unsuccessful and slammed into the ground. 

Simply aim for 20-30 minutes of walking with friends, try a yoga class once or twice a week, and gradually increase your intensity. The goal is to work up to 6 days a week of 150 minutes plus of cardio and 2-3 days of weight training each week. There is absolutely no reason to over work your body and not be able to get out of bed in the morning. First off it's not fun to feel that sore and second injury will most likely happen if you continue overloading your muscles like that day in and day out. You will end up skipping workouts, burn out because theres no fun in it, and quit. 

Listen to your body and figure out what will be best for you and don't expect miracles to happen over night. 


*WORKOUT FOR YOU AND FOR NO ONE ELSE: It's your body + your health. Find a workout program, studio, or gym that works best for you, YOUR GOALS, and lifestyle.  Sometimes whats popular and in trend now may not be best for you and your goals. None of us have time for injury so please be smart, realistic, and know your limits when always starting a new program. 

*ANSWER THE WHY: If you do not have a why (reason) for what you're doing you are probably going to stop before you even see results. Think about it.... If you are starting a running program...why are you running? To lose weight, to run a race, to increase your endurance?? Write out your goals and find a trainer to help guide you and help you determine the best route for you to take. Once you know what your goals are and have clarity on the steps to take to achieve those goals, then the WHY will always be in the back of your mind motivating you; keeping you going even on the worst of days. Trust me there will be days you do not want to workout and those are the days you will need it the most. I always suggest on these days going and giving it 10 minutes. If at 10 minutes you're still not in it for whatever reasons, leave; but most likely your body will be warmed up and in workout mode feeling better than when you started. 

*LOOK FOR PROFESSIONALISM: Anyone out there can give workouts, nutritional advice, and lead group fitness classes or yoga. Most of the time people never even think about asking if their coach, trainer, or instructor is certified in what they are instructing or leading. All FITNESS PROFESSIONALS should have a nationally accredited certification that is up to date and able to show you at any time. This goes for general aerobics, crossfit, yoga, etc; especially anyone specializing in a specific mode of exercise. Did you know that personal trainers are not licensed to create nutritional plans for clients? NOPE. Not all instructors teaching yoga should be teaching certain yoga formats without the proper training. I can't teach the willPower Method or Buti Yoga without the proper training, continuing education, and monthly fees to be able to teach it. 

Your body deserves the best so why not expect the best from your instructor, coach, or trainer. 
There is no excuse for individuals to cut corners and lead anything without having the proper education and training. In smaller towns you see a lot of this sadly. Facilities will copy certain formats and call it something else, change a few things to it, all because they do not want to take the time to attend the training or spend of the money. In my opinion is called unprofessional!

If your instructor is passionate about a certain format of fitness & helping others achieve success in a safe and professional atmosphere; then they will devote their time to that specific training and spend the extra money to become certified.

The fitness industry has so many wide ranges of expertise and certifications. As instructors it's all about finding what works best for you and for your personality, and the levels of trainings you can devote time towards your education by furthering your career as a instructor.

*HAVE FUN & ENJOY THE JOURNEY: If living a healthy lifestyle and being fit was easy....I especially would be out of a job and everyone would be walking around with perfect body fat percentages and be perfectly healthy. But this is not the case. Life is tough and challenging. Life seems to be busier than ever before. Start small, be patient, and do what you can each and every day to become stronger. Rest when your body is tired and fuel it with proper nutrition. Educate yourself and ask for help & meet with a trainer when needed. If you're doing this by yourself without any support or guidance along with dreading your workouts it will never become a lifestyle.

This is your life. You are in charge of it. Demand the best for yourself and from others. 


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