Into the year ahead 2018 { Personal Growth }

"Personal growth or development is the process of achieving and expanding your full potential."

I've learned so much about myself this year and I am honestly so excited to see what happens in 2018.
Below are 3 tools, lessons, & exercises that I devoted to and worked hard on during this past year. 
1) Choose a word that best describes what this coming year means to you. (Mine is Love)
•Find a quote or verse that speaks to you about your word. Write it on something and place it somewhere you will see it every single day. (Another thought is to save it as your screen savor on your phone. How many times do we all look at our phones on a daily basis- a lot) Once you've chosen your word you will probably start seeing this word EVERYWHERE! Get ready!

2) When it comes to broken relationships is there one or maybe a few that keeps replaying in your mind from 2017? As women our feelings get hurt and we take things very personal. Our stress levels are high because we are trying to please everyone, do everything, we tend to hold our feelings in, and we run from confrontation and having that conversation that needs to be had. We run from it because deep down we may not be ready to own up to our part (ego), listening to what the other has to say without being defensive is tough, and lastly opening up & being vulnerable is hard when we are hurt ourselves. The fear of not being heard or understood causes us to keep quiet and avoid it at all costs. A few days turn into few weeks and weeks turn into months. And by then what's the point, right? WRONG.
We all are going through our own journeys and going through our own struggles. Sometimes those closest to us are the ones we push away. 
If there is a friend or family member that you dearly miss...reach out and tell them. Apologize for your part of it all see what happens. Expect nothing in return.
By doing this you know you've done your part and you can move forward in this coming year with no regrets. I've done this with a few people over this past year and some relationships will never be the same and that's ok. Others are slowly being rebuilt and it's pretty awesome because if I hadn't reached out we wouldn't be friends today. 

3) Look in the mirror with loving eyes and without judgement.
Each morning we wake up is another day, another chance to do our best. Some days are easier than others. As we grow older seasons of life will pretty much toss us into the ground and it's up to us to stand back up stronger than ever.
If there is something that you're internally fighting reach out to someone- reach out to me- and start seeing yourself with love. LIFE IS TOUGH. It is ok to reach out for help. 
I'm surrounded by women every day and the one thing I notice most is that we are so mean with the words we say to ourselves & about ourselves. The pressure to be thinner, prettier, successful; etc             ( ________________ you fill in the blank ) is making us sick and causing ourselves to live life that is always unfulfilled due to fear and the feelings of unworthiness and being not good enough.
Until we can see ourselves with loving eyes and without judgement we will always be chasing that number on the scale, buying those supplements & products that promise us whatever it is we want to hear, and never living life with true peace and happiness.

The next time you look in the mirror tell yourself one thing you love about yourself. Say it even if you don't truly believe it. Do this every single day. This is a daily practice. If you have daughters or granddaughters- do this practice with them. Every time you catch yourself saying something mean, critical, or judgemental about yourself or to yourself replace those words with loving words.
The more loving you are to yourself the more love you will start to share with those around you.

Love you all.
Happy New Year!


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