The greatest lesson of all { WATER }

"Lovely thing to learn from water: adjust yourself in every situation and in any shape. 
But most importantly FIND YOUR OWN WAY TO FLOW." 

Running and owning a small business is terrifying at times. Thoughts of:  "Am I the right person for this? Am I doing the right thing? Is this town really ready for this? Will my bills be paid this month? Will people even come and support this new idea or class?"


What I've learned over the past year or so is that you must be willing to make sacrifices and learn to do whatever it takes to not give up on your passion. You must be willing to believe in yourself and the vision you have at all times. 

Always remembering to flow with what comes your way while standing firm in your beliefs and in your passions; while trusting in the highest good for everyone!

When was the last time you tried to control a situation, a person, etc? 
What was the outcome when you tried controlling the situation instead of allowing what was meant to be? 
What type of person where you in that/ those moment(s) of needing to have control? Were you so deep with being in control you completely lost control within yourself? Everything around you? 

What would have happened if you decided to trust and fully surrender to the highest good within the situation or with that person? 

We have all been there. The fear of not having control is scary sometimes. The fear of not knowing all the answers or not knowing the outcome is terrifying.

Next time, when you find yourself trying to control a situation; etc, STOP, take a breath, surrender and trust that whatever the outcome, was meant for you & the highest good for all. 

Notice the stress of it all lift from your shoulders. Notice how free you feel when all you have to do is have faith and flow with whatever happens. Notice how much happier & healthier of a person you are. 

Believing, trusting, and flowing to what life has in store for us. 


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