Top 5 Daily Reminders

"Don't count the days... make the days count."

1. Get out and move your body daily. 
The majority of you reading this probably work sitting down 85% of your work day. Our bodies are meant and built for movement. Plan your day and try your best to move as much as you can. Set your alarm every hour and walk for 5-10 minutes. Park your car further away when running errands. Before and after lunch do 50-100 squats. Go and take a fitness or yoga class.. before work if needed. Meet up with friends and walk with the kiddos....Something!! A lot of aches and pains are caused by the lack of movement these days. We all have the same 24 hours in a day.
One of the best things we can do for our health is to get up and get moving!

2. You are enough. 
Once you realize how important this simple 3 word sentence is...your life will change tremendously! Stop trying to be someone you're not by trying to prove yourself to others. Be the best person you can be by showing others your true self. Be kind, do your part in this world, and do not be afraid to be the person you were created to be. The people who truly support you and love will always be there. The ones who don', let them go and wish them well.

3. Perfection.We do not have to have it "all together, all the time."
Life is busy. Life gets crazy. That is reality. There is no way we can get everything done in a day that is needed to be after day, week after week. We would go crazy trying to.
I see so many people struggle trying to "get it all done, have it all together, have everything look & be perfect," etc.
The thing with this is, we never truly get to enjoy life by living this way. We miss those beautiful opportunities to see the miracles that do happen everyday, when we live in that constant state of trying to be perfect.

At the end of each day, take a moment and ask yourself... "Did I do everything that I could today within reason and did I enjoy at least one thing, one moment from today.? Was I able to see the miracle that I was meant to see today?
In what areas should I ask for help so that I am not as stressed?

We only get one life...lets start living and enjoying it, shall we?

4. If you want change to happen in your life, you must be willing to work for it.
If there is something in your life you want to change you must be willing to work for it. Whatever it is... you can't expect things to happen, things to change; without working for it. Easy as that.
If you want to lose proactive and start a workout program. If you are feeling down and unmotivated...reach out to friends and figure out ways that will inspire you to be proactive and inspired again. If you're not where you want to be career wise... work harder and find ways to get to the next level. Surround yourself with positive people who want the best for you.
Sitting and staying stagnant in life is your choice. If you want change to happen stop talking about it and make the change that is needed.

5. Rest when you're tired and make sure you're getting enough sleep each night. 
Sleep and rest is so important. A few years ago when I went through a series of tests in Little Rock; the number one thing all the doctors stressed most was the amount of sleep I WASN'T getting. Most weeks Monday- Friday my alarm is set for 430am. That means if I want to get 7 hours of sleep I would need to be in bed and asleep by 9:30pm at the latest each night. All electronics and tvs off by 8pm so that my mind and body could wind down properly. My initial response was "WHAT!!! Absolutely no way.!" I have all my tv shows which start at 9pm. Some nights I'm still working on the computer finalizing programs or writing down ideas for upcoming event; etc, until 10pm or so. I was even told "NO MORE NAPS!!" Some days with early morning clients & evening classes I try and squeeze a nap in when I can. If you know me & the women in my family, we all LOVE OUR NAPS! It's like in our DNA. So I about fell to the ground when the doctor told me no more naps.

I knew that sleep was important but WOW, after reading up on it and listening to all the stats from the doctors...I definitely realized things needed to change. "I"--- needed to make a change.

I now turn my phone on <do not disturb> before I go to bed. Emails, txt messages, and S2S messages can wait until the next day. I still struggle with watching tv before bed, but I am more aware of it and turn the tv off so that I will fall asleep. I also take more "off days" from workouts when I feel tired, overworked, and feeling rundown. And... I'm still guilty of taking naps on some days. I'll never give those up!!!

How much sleep are you getting each night?
Some people need more hours than others but they say we all need 7-9 hours of sleep per night.

"At the end of life, what really matters is not what we bought but what we built; not what we got but what we shared; not our competence but our character; and not our success, but our significance. 
Live a life that matters. 
Live a life of love."

I hope one of these daily reminders help you in the days to come!
Have a fantastic day!


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